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Comment: OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD. 992 [picture info] TimeDate=933886828 Shutter=15573 Flash=0 Resolution=2 Protect=0 ContTake=0 ImageSize=1024-768 ColorMode=1 Fnumber=F2.8 Zoom=0 [camera info] Type=DCHC Serial#= Version=vf0-40 ID=OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA [diag info] IMgg=35931 IMgb=33346 IMgr=33122 IMbg=33709 IMbb=35761 IMbr=32929 IMrg=33975 IMrb=32721 IMrr=35704 MTR1=257 MTR2=210 FCS1=2441 FCS2=2415 FCS3=2255 FCS4=202 FCS5=210 FCS6=3 FCS7=3 EXP1=6490 EXP2=44 EXP3=235 STB1=137 STB2=0 STB3=7424 STB4=977 STB5=0 CAM1=44 CAM2=44 CAM3=0 CAM4=0 CAM5=0 CAM6=0 CAM7=0 CAM8=0 WB1=2 WB2=5020 WB3=325,6 WB4=218,6 WB5=2 WB6=0 JPEG1=87840 COLOR1=16683500 COLOR2=17894754 COLOR3=22313454 COLOR4=0 MTRX1=1 [user]˙ [end]
CAMPGND2 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 329 * (33KB)

CASHMORE * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (56KB)

CTRMOS_1 * 434 x 326 * (27KB)

DRAINBO1 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (37KB)

ESKY1 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (25KB)

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ESTES022.JPG - 640 x 480 - (37KB)
HAPPYHR2 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (69KB)

HAPPYHR3 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (72KB)

HAPPYHR5 * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (62KB)

JANNINI * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (70KB)

MARABITO * File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0 * 640 x 480 * (51KB)

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