We also had lots of phone messages from the security company. Mr. McQueen managed to set the alarm off and test the responsiveness of the Sheriff.
Next on the agenda was trees.
The ground clearing after the pines were gone was a week of hard labor. That is the site of a storage shed to be built next week so we can empty and close “Susan’s” Storage Unit and return the shop to shop functions. It is “Susan’s” cause it’s full of her stuff. Camille has been paying for it.
Whilse we were at it, we had three Cedars that were too close to the house cut down.
This greatly improves the view to and of the house and greatly frustrates the squirrels. They have resided in the attic many years. I got the roofers to plug their entry hole and Marty Jackson, artist with chainsaw, took down their bridges.
1 & ½ Hackberry Trees
There was a Hackberry tree all over where I want to park the RV and another one behind the trailer. Marty talked me into not cutting the big one in front but he trimmed it a little.
The Backyard, AKA Used Vehicle and Trailer Lot