The best time to see Rushmore is early in the morning before all the other tourists arrive. So we were up bright and early at 10AM.
Did you know that they are working on a 5th president?
While we were there Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG was cleaning the Presidents up.
After leaving Rushmore, we drove the Iron Mountain Road with its Pigtail Bridges and tunnels.
The view from Norbeck Overlook.
Lunch at the Blue Bell Lodge in Custer State Park.
On to the Wildlife Loop. Shades of Yellowstone - Buffalo were stopping traffic.
Speaking of buffalo stopping traffic, Ron told us about the guy in Yellowstone in his VW camper who lost patience with the buffalo and started honking his obnoxious horm. A buffalo lost patience with him, put his head down and turned the camper over. Everybody waited quietly until the buffalo moved on, then a bunch of guys turned the camper back upright. The driver was unhurt (physically).
At one time, Custer State Park used burros as pack animals for one of the lodges. When they stopped using them, they left them in the park to entertain tourists.